St. Valentines program
Sweet choice is a growing company that distributes chocolate things crafted with love.
We are highly specialized in New Year’s and Easter programs, so whatever holiday treat you might need, we got it.
Come on board, we have candy!

We are a B2B company, committed to building and maintaining efficient, transparent and long-term relations with all our business partners.
Our client list includes major supermarket chains, as well as a large number of small retailers, in the Republic of Serbia and abroad.

Some text regarding St. Valentines

Contact us:

Nemanjina 7, 11080 Belgrade, Serbia
+381 63 111 33 11

Choice is what inspires us.
Choice is in our name, our values, our business philosophy.
The choice of being who you are.
The choice to add a little bit of sweetness to your everyday life, whatever it might be.
We surely see lots of “sweet choices” in ours.